Myofascial Release Massage

what it is:

A session combining focused, slow Myofascial Release techniques with assisted stretching, traction, and Swedish petrissage. These sessions are designed to tune you into your body as you relax into a state of light meditation and calm.

who it’s for:

Best suited for someone looking to:

  • unwind areas of chronic tension or stress

  • retune (or learn to be) inside their body

  • gently and gradually improve range of motion

  • reduce/manage chronic physical and/or emotional pain

what it is NOT:

Myofascial Release appointments are not traditional Swedish Massage, Rolfing, or Structural Integration sessions. While all those techniques manipulate the fascia of the body, they also consistently work against your body’s own resistance. Myofascial Release massage instead works into the direction of ease, resulting in less pain and greater gains.


Myofascial Release Massage focuses on helping you let go of those places where you unconsciously hold stress. We’ll go slowly, find sites of restriction, and let your body gently ease into a relaxed state of being. 

The goal of Myofascial Release isn’t to push through resistance or mash down on muscles that are already taking a beating in your daily life. Creating more pain is never my goal, and while relieving some areas of tension might feel uncomfortable I don’t ever work to cause more trauma in your body. My work is gentle and meditative, with long holds to allow the tissue to stretch and unwind at it’s own rate. This is often in contrast to traditional “deep tissue” massage which works against the body’s resistance and guarding instincts. While I still work on deep knots and troublesome places, the focus will be on helping you find a place of total relaxation, free from the demands and anxieties of your life.

When we’re done you’ll come out of the session feeling looser and freer, ready to move through your day with more peace and clarity.